Mittwoch, 27. Oktober 2010

99 Problems in Scala

99 Problems originated from Prolog [1] but I came across it here [2] where SCala is used to solve the problems.

def findMe(l:List[Int], i:Int):Int = { if(i==0) l.head else findMe(l drop 1,i-1) }

l.foldLeft(0) {(a,b) => a+1 }

def myRev[A](l:List[A]):List[A] = l.foldLeft([List[A]()) { (a,c) => c :: a}

l.foldLeft(Nil.asInstanceOf[List[Int]]) {(c,a) => (a :: a :: c) }

def consmore (l:List[Int], count:Int, element:Int):List[Int] = if(count==0) l else consmore(element::l,count-1, element)

ll=List[List[Int]] = List(List(1, 2), List(1, 2, 3), List(4, 5), List(5), List(3, 4, 5), List(7), List(1, 2, 3, 4, 5), List(1, 2, 3, 4))
val r1=ll.foldLeft(List[(Int,Int)]()) { (a,b) => (b.length,ll indexOf b) :: a}
val r2= r1 sortWith ((t1,t2)=> t1._1 > t2._1)
val finalResult=r2.foldLeft(List[List[Int]]()) { (a,b) => ll(b._2) :: a }

The level of difficulty rises along. So while beeing lazy because I didn't want to solve all 99. I pick P50 as an quick exercise to solving a more complex task with scala.

class Node(val h:Int, val char:Char){
def this(h:Int) = this(h,'1');
private var left:Node = null
private var right:Node = null
def getLeft() = left
def getRight() = right
def setLeft(k:Node) = {left = k}
def setRight(k:Node) = {right = k}
def setLeftRight(l:Node, r:Node)= {left = l; right = r}
def hasEdge() = left != null || right != null
def isLeaf() = !char.isDigit
override def toString() = h+" L:"+left+" R:"+right
import scala.collection.mutable.HashMap
def findFreq(s:String):HashMap[Char,Int] = {
val r=new HashMap[Char,Int];
s.distinct.foreach(x=> r+= (x -> (s count(y => y==x)) ) );

def sortNodes(a:Node,b:Node) = a.h < b.h

val fr=findFreq(”MISSISSIPPI”)

val t2=(for {b <- fr; fre =b._2; element=b._1 } yield new Node(fre,element)).toList
val r2=t2 sortWith(sortNodes)
def transform(var l:List[Node]) = {
val r=l take 2
if(r.size > 1)
l=new Node(r(1).haeuf+r(2).haeuf)::l

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