Mittwoch, 17. August 2011


Last weekend I came across this [1] podcast from se radio. The ideas from newspeak are really interesting and the goal to create a shrinkable language is  (modularity) very important.

What classifies Newspeak?

It is a object oriented language, but really more in the sense of smalltalk rather then Java or C++. 
I can only speak from my Java experience but the implementation details like encapsulation and so on are really impressive. It seems to me like erlang and newspeak are closely related. 

In the interview the term dependency injection is mentioned, which shows that

It is also interesting to mention which roles objects can follow. Things like modules which were added in Scala later as package objects, are just another role of objects with newspeak.

The idea of a plug able type system seems compelling but the further consequences in workflow for example are not obvious to me (yet). 

Pattern matching
When reading the paper describing the newspeak pattern matching implementation the comparison with other languages were espacially interesting. Haskell seems to go away from pattern matching and more generalized patterns, while the newspeak implementation specifically was set to enable an even higher level of abstraction with patterns as first class citizen. 

Newspeak looks interesting but it would need a much greater user base or stable implementation to get somewhere.


Sonntag, 3. Juli 2011

Simple Problem, Simple Solution(s)

Borrowed from :
Which right triangle that has integers for all sides and all sides equal to or smaller than 10 has a perimeter of 24? 

[ (a,b,c) | c <- [1..10], b <- [1..c], a <- [1..b], a^2 + b^2 == c^2, a+b+c == 24]


for {c <- 1 to 10; b <- 1 to c; a <- 1 to b; if(a+b+c == 24 && (a*a) +(b*b) ==(c*c))} yield (a,b,c)


var result= from c in Enumerable.Range(1, 10)
from b in Enumerable.Range(1, c)
from a in Enumerable.Range(1, b)
where a+b+c == 24 && (a*a) + (b*b) == (c*c)
select a+" "+b+" "+c;

More on comprehensions:
[2 * a + b | a <-[1,2,3], b <- [4,5,6],  b `mod` a == 0]

for{a <- 1 to 3; b <- 4 to 6; if (b % a == 0)} yield(2 * a + b)

Radical Simplicity by Stuart Halloway

Yet another talk by Stuart Halloway, his presentation style and pronunciation are really good. And personally I find it comforting and pleasant to listen to his voice which makes it for me really easy to follow. Putting not too much emphasis on the technical aspects, this talk raises a number of important questions, in my opinion. I want to name two aspects here in a bit more detail:
1. Simplicity
Around 00:53 reflection API Example is given to demonstrate what simplicity means. I think it is important to define, even simple (hu?, ha!) terms like simple because again, it becomes apparent that different people have different meanings and perceptions for terms. Maybe its obvious to some maybe not but simple does not easy or beauty. Now how can we grasp simple in terms of programming or rather API's? The reflection example demonstrates this quite nicely. The API should consist of small reusable parts which can be used to build higher level functionality or abstraction.

In the following he asks: Why we don't have radical simplicity?
And to observe the answer or even pursuing the question is a very worth goal for every programmer.
Stuart names Pressure (about 1:09) and the lack of trust. Could you justify to build 4 Prototypes in your curent/next project (Even if the first worked)? How do we, that is the programmer side and the stakeholder side define and agree on 'good enough'?

2.  (simple) Foundations of programming
On 1:03 these four foundations are listed:

  • functions
  • logic
  • relational model
  • associative model

and it is concluded that all these have a mathematical foundation.  But actually OOP has none. It is pointed out that OO is inherently complex and there could be a potential danger by having features that could do harm if abused. Specifically applied to Java he claims Java is: compound, complex and complicated.

Eventually this talk has inspired me to sharpen my point of view on API's and to question for simplicity in my programming job, consciously.

Samstag, 4. Juni 2011

Code use and re-use

One of the things that may seem trivial is how in software systems reuse is achieved. I'm going to write about some thoughts of mine in this regard.

I think that most people would agree with the OO(Object Oriented) Paradigm, it is common to use inheritance (implementation inheritance).  So you define code in a class, now if you extend that class from another one you can use the code from the parent class just fine.

Did you reuse the code from the parent class or are you now just using it?

It is quite important to pay attention to this. You can now use the code from the parent class but just in the child classes. So there is a dependency from child to parent class. I would argue that this is code use.

In functional programming reuse is achieved through composition. Which means if you have a function which takes an Int and results in an array of chars and another one which takes an array of chars and results in a String, I can create yet another function which takes an Int and results in a String. Again this seems trivial and one might ask why same can't be done with OOP?

The answer to this is (I guess) referential transparency. The fundamental principal of  FP is that if I  invoke a function with the same arguments I will always get the same result (or type therefore). This guarantees me re-usability.

Code use and re-use is about granularity and scope.  To identify clearly what you need in a specific situation is important.

So these are quite different approaches and there are many other aspects involved (besides re-usability) in software development. But for now I like the FP approach better. Because when composing functions I can rely on referential transparency while with OOP state and functions are usually mixed up.